William had thrown his first toy into the commode.
And he was really happy about it.
And here he is getting into the cabinet. Did you notice the child-proofing device on the cabinet door? Yeah, not so effective... Also, be sure to notice the pile of toilet tissue on the floor. Wheee!
I hesitate to post this next set of photos. One is sometimes just unsure when momma pride crosses the line into TMI (too much information.) This may be one of those occasions but I'm going to post anyway.
Over the past few weeks, on several occasions William has awoken in the morning with a completely dry diaper. I had always heard that you know your child is ready to potty train when they go through the night without wetting their diaper. So, just for funsies, I decided to pull out our little potty and see how William reacted. The first time I put him on the potty he went number one. Now he goes potty on his potty about once a day usually in the morning.
I love this face. Its like he's saying, "Really, Mom? You're taking my picture?" His poor little feet don't even touch the floor.
"Okay, you can take my picture but I'm a little embarrassed."
"Yay! I did it!"
I'll save everyone the photographic evidence of the tee tee in the potty. :)
He is way too cute!!! And very advanced in the potty department...go William!