Thursday, July 29, 2010

William De Jour

I thought I would post a few of William's favorite things. He is growing and learning so fast. I can hardly believe he will be 10 months old in about a week. He is crawling all over the house. Pulling up on everything. Standing alone for a few seconds and just generally getting into everything. I'm loving that his personality is starting to come out. He loves to play and plays well alone and with friends. He really enjoyed VBS a couple weeks ago where he got to play all morning long and skip his morning nap. He is very curious and loves to explore.

Pictured below William is playing with a few of his favorite things.

His car. Best $4 I ever spent at Walmart.
His remote. Yes, he has his own. This kid will melt down over control of the remote control. "Seriously, God? Did you hard wire this into guys or what?"

His laptop. I think William is going to be a nerd. I say that in the most affectionate way possible. William will throw a fit over a computer and really anything electronic for that matter. It became such an issue every time I got on the computer that we pulled an old, broke-down laptop out of the closet. He loves it. He really likes to "type."

So, on this day William was a little grumpy. He had already had his nap but was just having a hard day. I'm loving my friends having Chinese students and have enjoyed cooking meals for a few of them. In this photo, I was in the process of making a pie and William was "helping" aka "watching and crying." So, I did what every mother does when her child is whiney and just generally disagreeable. I gave him sweets.

I had just whipped up some whipped topping and gave him the beater just to see what he would do with it. This must be something else God hardwires into the brain because William took to the beater like a moth to a bug zapper.
End result? Happy baby and a new favorite thing.

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